
Greetings from The Lost Record Store

I miss records – the anticipation of an “album”, not just a bunch of songs to download.  I miss slicing through that plastic wrap, putting needle to vinyl, and listening to an album from beginning to end.  I even miss CDs (they do still make those, right?). At least it was a tangible item, something you could hold onto while you listened to the music.  And liner notes – I really miss those.  Reading lyrics, seeing who played on songs – you can’t get that with a digital download.

I mostly miss the record store.  I spent way too many hours in record stores, poring through stacks and looking at album art. Even if I never bought a thing, it was like perusing the stacks in a library.  And I liked being able to ask a person about what I was buying.

I’m at that point in my life when I miss that part of music: talking about records, discussing music, rating songs, arguing over artists.  My generation of music (80’s and 90’s) might not have had the best music, but music wasn’t nearly as fragmented as it is today.  I don’t want to listen to the same kind of songs over and over (I’m looking at you, Pandora). I’d like to have some Prince next to my Clash, thank you very much.

It’s not much of a mission statement, but I want to talk about classic albums (and new, great albums), and I want to help people learn more about the best music I know.  If there’s something you want to ask me, do it.  If you like what you read, read more.  If you don’t, then let me know.


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