
Country Albums by Rock Artists

A few years ago I saw Elvis Costello play live on his country tour.  It was my first time seeing him after being a huge fan all my life, and I thought I might be a little disappointed to not see him play it “straight”. Instead I was totally blown away by the band and their sound.  Not only did they have great interpretations of Elvis’ backlog, but the country vibe gave them a chance to stretch out on some great covers as well.  A great night overall.

Elvis’s is not the first foray into the world of country by “rock” artists, by a long shot.  In fact, country and rock have been tied since the very beginning (Sun Records, anyone?).  But it does make me think of other artists who are known as “rock” musicians going all in on a country album.  I’m not thinking of bands that blur the line overall — like the bands of the 90’s or “gulp” The Eagles.  I’m talking toe-dippers like Elvis – an album going against style.  Here’s my list of 5 Country albums by Rock artists:

5) John Wesley Harding, Bob Dylan

I’m calling this the original (I know I’m probably wrong), but this was a trendsetter.  Reading about this, not a lot of Dylan fans were very happy with this record when it came out, but it has definitely stood the test of time.  Though he went further down this road with Nashville Skyline, this is a better album by far.

4) Almost Blue, Elvis Costello

Lest we forget, Elvis has traveled this road before.  An album of all country covers made in Nashville, this was very new territory for someone who was considered almost punk at the time.  I’m not saying it’s one of his best, but it’s interesting.

3) Ghost of Tom Joad, Bruce Springsteen

Maybe this isn’t entirely country, but I’m counting it anyway.  Man, this is a grim record. When have you ever seen a popular artist make a record this dark?

2) Raising Sand, Robert Plant & Allison Krauss

And now for something a little newer. Where did this album even come from?  What an unexpected surprise to see the “Golden God” singing these mellow, country tunes.  Add in Allison Krauss (ok, she’s country) and it’s perfect.  I almost feel bad including something that won a Grammy, though.

1) Harvest, Neil Young

I am sort of breaking my own rule, as Neil has definitely blurred the line between country and rock.  But when he made Harvest that was not the case, really.  He may have been acoustic, but not as country as this.  “Are You Ready for the Country?” indeed.

Honarable mentions: Sweetheart of the Rodeo, The Byrds (if I knew this record better it would have made the 5), and special mention to “Far Away Eyes” by the Rolling Stones, which is the funniest country song by a rock band ever.


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