Lost Record Store Guy

Exhibit A – The Record Store Guy

Remember the Record Store?  That peaceful sanctuary where you could waste hours looking at albums, reading liner notes, and listening to some weird song?  And let’s not forget about the weird “record store guy”.  You know the type (see Exhibit A).  If you finally did make your purchase, you were worried if it would be cool enough to pass his hipster litmus test.

Well, this Record Store is not selling anything, but I’m trying to restore some of that vibe in a friendlier way.  I want to talk about music from that time (and some of today’s music), give some great recommendations of both classic and new albums, and generally be a place where you can learn something.

If you’re looking for the latest underground punk band, house music, or Swedish death metal, this is not the site for you.  I’ll talk about music just a little left of the mainstream – artists you’ve heard of and those you should.  In fact, all you need to know about my musical tastes start from the albums in the image on top of this page.  Mostly I want to talk about music that will and has stood the test of time.  Browse all you like…


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