
Store Owner

Store Owner has written 17 posts for The Lost Record Store

Best Albums of 2014

What an amazing year for music. Narrowing down my list was so hard, as there were too many great albums to choose from. Any of these records would have been near the top of the list in 2013. I have to mention some other great releases that just missed making this list: Beck – Morning … Continue reading

Top Albums of 2013

Yeah, I know I’m 12 months late on this (and 2014 will be my next post), but I have to post my long overdue best of 2013 list.  Going back over these this much after the fact actually provides some interesting perspectives on some of these choices.  I’m not sure that the list would have … Continue reading

We’re Back!

Pardon the two year interruption.  This site is back for good, and can now be found permanently at  Regular posts to follow, but our mission is still the same – promote the best music, both old and new, and to promote some good discussions where possible.  Hope you enjoy.

Happy Birthday Eric Clapton

Eric Clapton is 68 today.  Here’s the only live video I can find of him from his greatest band, Derek and the Dominoes.  This is from the Johnny Cash show:

Great Double Albums

One of the great artifacts of the album age was the double album. This ancient relic was a rock behemoth, requiring not one large vinyl disc, but two. Pre-dating the now passé CD format (with it’s 80 minutes worth of music) this was four “sides” of music – twice the fun at almost twice the … Continue reading

Friday Featured Album: Layla, and Other Assorted Love Songs

Eric Clapton has just come out with a new album, Old Sock, which is his 20th studio album.  I have not heard it yet, but I’m not expecting greatness at this point.  I love Clapton, both his playing (of course) and his voice, which he has grown into over the years.  His live recordings and … Continue reading

Randy Rhoads (12/6/1956 – 3/19/1982)

Thinking of Randy Rhoads, who died on this day 31 years ago.  Certainly one of the best guitarists in the history of metal, if not all of rock.  Enjoy this clip:

Friday Featured Album: Lifes Rich Pageant

It’s hard to calculate now how important R.E.M. was to the music scene in the early 1980’s.  Mainstream music was (mostly) terrible, the stars of the 60’s and 70’s were past their prime, and new music was, well, Kajagoogoo.  On the underground side, most music was punk or hardcore, which was great for those that … Continue reading

Faces – The Underrated Rock Gods

It is a bit ironic to talk about a band being underrated when; a) they are in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, b) two of their members went on to be in two of the biggest bands of all time, and c) their lead singer is slightly famous as well.  But such is … Continue reading

Color Me Obsessed – A Film About The Replacements

It took forever, but I finally saw Color Me Obsessed, the documentary on The Replacements, one of my favorite bands of all time.  If you were a teenager in the 80’s and did not like the ‘Mats (or don’t know the reference), then I do not want to talk to you about music.  Anyway, back … Continue reading
