
Classic Albums

This category contains 7 posts

Great Double Albums

One of the great artifacts of the album age was the double album. This ancient relic was a rock behemoth, requiring not one large vinyl disc, but two. Pre-dating the now passé CD format (with it’s 80 minutes worth of music) this was four “sides” of music – twice the fun at almost twice the … Continue reading

Friday Featured Album: Layla, and Other Assorted Love Songs

Eric Clapton has just come out with a new album, Old Sock, which is his 20th studio album.  I have not heard it yet, but I’m not expecting greatness at this point.  I love Clapton, both his playing (of course) and his voice, which he has grown into over the years.  His live recordings and … Continue reading

Friday Featured Album: Lifes Rich Pageant

It’s hard to calculate now how important R.E.M. was to the music scene in the early 1980’s.  Mainstream music was (mostly) terrible, the stars of the 60’s and 70’s were past their prime, and new music was, well, Kajagoogoo.  On the underground side, most music was punk or hardcore, which was great for those that … Continue reading

Friday Featured Album: Achtung Baby

This is the great career changing album for any band in history.  After huge successive hits with The Joshua Tree and Rattle and Hum, U2 had somewhat painted themselves in a corner musically.  They were the earnest, American wanna-bes, playing straightforward rock.  They were making great music, but the question was how to top the … Continue reading

Top Albums of 2012

I realize that I’m about two months two late on this “best of” list, but I just started the blog so give me a break. 2012 was a great year for music, but looking at a lot of the lists back in December made me wonder where a lot of those albums would be in … Continue reading

Friday Featured Album: The White Album

Personally, if I had to name my favorite album of all time it would be The Beatles White Album. This was really the first of the rock double albums, and it’s still the best, setting a blueprint on how to show off multiple styles by one band. Just a year earlier, The Beatles put their … Continue reading

Classic Album: The Clash – London Calling

By 1979 punk music had come and gone, and The Clash was expected to follow the Sex Pistols into oblivion by most critics.  How wrong they were.  The Clash proved what could happen when a punk band could actually play their instruments and this grab-bag of musical styles proves it.  London Calling is like a … Continue reading
