

This category contains 5 posts

Top Albums of 2013

Yeah, I know I’m 12 months late on this (and 2014 will be my next post), but I have to post my long overdue best of 2013 list.  Going back over these this much after the fact actually provides some interesting perspectives on some of these choices.  I’m not sure that the list would have … Continue reading

Great Double Albums

One of the great artifacts of the album age was the double album. This ancient relic was a rock behemoth, requiring not one large vinyl disc, but two. Pre-dating the now passé CD format (with it’s 80 minutes worth of music) this was four “sides” of music – twice the fun at almost twice the … Continue reading

Top Albums of 2012

I realize that I’m about two months two late on this “best of” list, but I just started the blog so give me a break. 2012 was a great year for music, but looking at a lot of the lists back in December made me wonder where a lot of those albums would be in … Continue reading

Country Albums by Rock Artists

A few years ago I saw Elvis Costello play live on his country tour.  It was my first time seeing him after being a huge fan all my life, and I thought I might be a little disappointed to not see him play it “straight”. Instead I was totally blown away by the band and … Continue reading

Bands that should have broken up

Robert Plant is again being non-committal on a possible Led Zeppelin reunion, but teasing that it might happen in 2014.  I have to say, I don’t see the point.  Yes, the O2 reunion concert was great (and if you have not listened to the Celebration Day record of that concert, I highly recommend it.  In … Continue reading
